Friday, November 16, 2012

A New Blog, A New Focus

Well, this is my new blog.  Welcome!  Have a seat, make yourself comfortable.  Pardon the scaffolding, the place is still under construction.

So, what's this blog about?  What's it's purpose?

The purpose of this blog is to further Christ's kingdom, and I'll be doing that in two ways.  Firstly, by "sharpening" other believers.  Secondly, by witnessing to unbelievers.

Umm... Okay, well, why?

First of all, because the Bible commands us to "make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19).  There are tons of verses in the Bible that command Christians to go out and share their faith with others.  We are also commanded in passages such as Hebrews 10:24-25 to encourage other believers, etc.

Cool.  So, why did you make a whole new blog instead of just using your other old one?

Because.  I was getting tired of the old one.  Besides, I want this blog to be Christ-centered, with no distractions.  My old blog is too non-serious and cluttered to do that.

Sure.  So what's with the name?

The name?  Oh, yeah, that.  Well, C-4 is a type of explosive compound used by the military to bow stuff up.  I want my blog to be "mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).  C-4 is really good at blowing up strongholds.

But the description?

Oh.  Well, I was thinking of names, and the letter C came up a lot.  Then I came up with C-4, and then I chose 4 C-words that fit best in order.

Okay.  So, why are none of the other pages set up?

I haven't gotten to them yet.  I will soon, though.  I did say it was under construction.  Speaking of which, I plan on replacing the header with some custom art, soon.

Okay, well, good luck with your new blog.  I hope it works out for you.

Thanks.  I hope so too.


  1. Yay! I get to be the first one to comment. And no silly stuff either.

    I really like the purpose of your blog. Tis awesome. War for the King of Kings!
    I look forward to seeing what the rest of it will look like. :)

    1. How did you find it already?

      I like it too. I also look forward to what it will look like...

    2. Um, you put the link to it on Ellie's blog and I found it.

      Yeah. The oldish parchment look is awesome!

    3. Why did I do that? The site isn't ready yet!


    4. I have no idea.

      You are welcome! :)

  2. Yeah! Another blog by the infamous Jonny! I am sure it will be encouraging to all the kings soldiers, be it male or female. Can't wait to read more! :-)

    1. Infamous?
      I can't wait to WRITE more...

    2. Yes, the ever famous Jonny who is so hilarious and makes all die laughing. :-D

  3. Blast it! That showed up as Haley! Oops! That was me, Emily.

  4. Okay, I feel like a home-edgamicated person. I called you infamious, then went and looked the word up. You are not infamious, in fact quite the opposite! You must forgive me. It sounded good in the sentence. It means someone who is notoriously evil, having a reputation of the worst kind. Ahhhh! I did not just call you that! :-! I will think of another name for you. :-) So sorry about that! I didn't mean it, honest I didn't!

    Your frem who ha her foo I her mouf (put your hand in your mouth and say that sentence. You should be able to understand it better.),

    1. I forgive you, no problem. I thought infamous just meant "famous for a bad reason," so I guess we both learned something.
      I know you didn't mean it. :)

      Gaah. The site's not even set up and I have 12 comments.

  5. Oh cool! I can't follow you or my bro will be like, "What on earth is this blog I'm following?" but I'll keep up. And you've an awesome title!


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