Saturday, April 26, 2014

Warning: Incoming Passion

I just finished attending the great Midwest homeschool convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. After listening to speakers such as Alex McFarland, Scott Klusendorf, and Ben Carson, I can say that I have a burning passion to go out and do whatever I can to advance Christ's kingdom on this earth and stamp out evil wherever it show its face, which, sadly, is everywhere.

I may not be special and I may not have a special education, but I can write and I can speak and I am a special child of God with a special mission, just like every other Christian. I'm going to use that to the best of my ability to serve His purposes.

And so I'm bringing this blog back up. And I am going to be making a few changes. But mainly, I'm just going to start posting regularly again. And I have a lot of cool stuff planned, and be forewarned: I am going to try to involve at least a few of you in it. You'll see how in the coming weeks.

I've been praying lately for God to show me what He wants me to do, and I've been asking Him to use me. I think that He has begun to answer those prayers. I feel like a plan, a purpose, a mission is being written out and put together, piece by piece, in my heart. So I would appreciate your prayers for me in the following weeks.

So get ready. I have an obligation and an ability to serve Christ which I have not been fulfilling to the bet of my ability. That's all about to change.