Friday, November 23, 2012

Debate Tips: Was Hitler a Christain?

So you're on a forum or a social network, minding your own business, when the unthinkable happens.  A religious discussion breaks out.

Before long, somebody just has to mention the Crusades.  It always happens.  But then, right after the old and worn-out "Crusades-were-bad-so-religion-is-bad" argument, comes a different argument.  One you may or may not be familiar with.  An argument that some people (including me) have a hard time believing exists.

"Oh yeah?  Well, Hitler was a Christian!"

What?  Are you kidding me?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Development Update: Contact Forms Added!

Today I added two contact forms to this blog.  One for Prayer Requests (a new page on the blog), and one for the About/Contact page.  Hopefully they will come in handy.

Installing the contact forms was easier than installing Reftagger or the forums, and those were pretty easy to install.  If you want, I can give you the info on how to install all of this cool stuff on your own blog.  I highly recommend all of them, and I've checked them all out to make sure they're 100% safe.

I might end up customizing them a little bit, because currently they're only black and white.  For now though, I'm just gonna leave 'em the way they are.

So, why do you need contact forms on this blog?

So that people can send me prayer requests, so that I can pray for them.  Or if someone just wants to have  heart-to-heart talk about Christianity, Calvinism, Creationism, etc.  You know, if they don't want it to be public, like it would be in the forums or in a comment.

So yeah.  You can go check out the contact forms on the "Prayer Requests" page or the "About/Contact page.  Just please... don't abuse them.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Development Update: Reftagger Installed!

I've just finished installing a very useful tool on this blog, called Reftagger.

Reftagger automatically turns each Bible reference I make into a link to, an online Bible.  So let's say I reference John 3:16.  Whoa, you see that?  I didn't have to do anything but type out the verse, and Reftagger turned it into a link.

But what if you don't want to open up a link to each verse?  Easy.  Hover over this, without clicking on it: Ephesians 2:8.  See that?  Isn't that awesome?  Personally, I think it is.  You can just read the verse right there!

The link will, if you decide to click on it, take you to the online study Bible.  I have it automatically set to display the NKJV, but you can change between over 50 or so different versions from the website.

If you're interested in using Reftagger for your website, you can get it here.  I recommend it highly, as I have found it to be very helpful on some of the websites that use it.

Now all I really have to do is set up the About/Contact and the Statement of Faith pages, and then this blog will be ready to go.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Development Update: Forums Up!

Whoohoo!  I got the forums up, running, and working.  It was a little tricky.  I still have to write up rules and maybe a FAQ, but that will be easy and done with soon.

I have several sub-forums set up already, each one for discussing a separate realm of issues; such as God, the Bible, Creationism, Calvinism, etc.  You can go there now and check it out.

If you see any problems with the page, let me know!

So, why did you make a forum?

Oh, come on.  Not you again.  You're always asking me questions.

Is there a problem with that?  Just answer the question.

No, there's no problem... Okay, fine.  Well, I made a forum because one of my favorite things to do as a Christian is to discuss my faith.  There's a certain adrenaline rush when you get into a good debate, and then there's the awesome feeling you get when you know you're doing the Lord's work.  The forum is a place where I can have edifying discussions with believers and non-believers alike; "sharpening" the former and hopefully converting the latter.  Basically, everything I already laid out in my first post.

Well, I'm glad mister bold-and-italic-questioner is gone.  He can get annoying sometimes.

Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you headed on over and checked out the forums.  Let me know what you think of 'em!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Development Update: "Resources" Page Up!

I'll be doing development updates like this until the whole site is up and running.  Then I'll post one final "Blog fully up and running" post, and delete all of the updates.

So for now, the "Resources" page has been pretty much filled out.  Ima add some more resources later, but for now I just thought I'd say that it's up.

Next is the forum...

Friday, November 16, 2012

A New Blog, A New Focus

Well, this is my new blog.  Welcome!  Have a seat, make yourself comfortable.  Pardon the scaffolding, the place is still under construction.

So, what's this blog about?  What's it's purpose?

The purpose of this blog is to further Christ's kingdom, and I'll be doing that in two ways.  Firstly, by "sharpening" other believers.  Secondly, by witnessing to unbelievers.

Umm... Okay, well, why?

First of all, because the Bible commands us to "make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19).  There are tons of verses in the Bible that command Christians to go out and share their faith with others.  We are also commanded in passages such as Hebrews 10:24-25 to encourage other believers, etc.

Cool.  So, why did you make a whole new blog instead of just using your other old one?

Because.  I was getting tired of the old one.  Besides, I want this blog to be Christ-centered, with no distractions.  My old blog is too non-serious and cluttered to do that.

Sure.  So what's with the name?

The name?  Oh, yeah, that.  Well, C-4 is a type of explosive compound used by the military to bow stuff up.  I want my blog to be "mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).  C-4 is really good at blowing up strongholds.

But the description?

Oh.  Well, I was thinking of names, and the letter C came up a lot.  Then I came up with C-4, and then I chose 4 C-words that fit best in order.

Okay.  So, why are none of the other pages set up?

I haven't gotten to them yet.  I will soon, though.  I did say it was under construction.  Speaking of which, I plan on replacing the header with some custom art, soon.

Okay, well, good luck with your new blog.  I hope it works out for you.

Thanks.  I hope so too.