Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Development Update: Contact Forms Added!

Today I added two contact forms to this blog.  One for Prayer Requests (a new page on the blog), and one for the About/Contact page.  Hopefully they will come in handy.

Installing the contact forms was easier than installing Reftagger or the forums, and those were pretty easy to install.  If you want, I can give you the info on how to install all of this cool stuff on your own blog.  I highly recommend all of them, and I've checked them all out to make sure they're 100% safe.

I might end up customizing them a little bit, because currently they're only black and white.  For now though, I'm just gonna leave 'em the way they are.

So, why do you need contact forms on this blog?

So that people can send me prayer requests, so that I can pray for them.  Or if someone just wants to have  heart-to-heart talk about Christianity, Calvinism, Creationism, etc.  You know, if they don't want it to be public, like it would be in the forums or in a comment.

So yeah.  You can go check out the contact forms on the "Prayer Requests" page or the "About/Contact page.  Just please... don't abuse them.

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