Sunday, January 27, 2013

Announcing a New Series: What I Believe

I am happy to announce that I'll being doing a series of posts about what I believe.  This will be fun!  The main purpose of the series will be to help you guys know where I stand, but it will also serve to indirectly finish the "Statement of Faith" page (which, as you can see, is still not finished).  It will also kind of help me, because there are a few issues that I myself am not completely cleared up on as to what exactly I believe.  So hopefully, it will be a beneficial experience for everyone.  The purpose of this post is to introduce the series and give you an idea of what to expect.

Obviously, I can't go into every little detail about every single thing that I believe, so I'm going to have to whittle things down to a few (hundred) major issues.  I'm pretty sure you know what a Christian is already, so I'm mainly going to be focusing on Calvinism and Creationism.

So here's how it's gonna go down. We'll start off by diving into Calvinism, by going over TULIP and the Five Solas.  Each post will be divided into four points:
  1. What the Sola/point means
  2. Where it comes from
  3. How it applies to us
  4. Common arguments against it (refuted!)
I'm really looking forward to this.  It should be fun!  I'm thinking we'll do TULIP first, and then the Five Solas after that.

I can't wait to get started!  Expect the first post in the series soon.  We'll be looking at the doctrine of Total Depravity; the "T" in TULIP, the first of the five points of Calvinism.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

"The Room"
I'm currently reading through the book I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris.  I'm kind of disappointed by the title, because the book covers so much more than just the issue of dating.  I wonder how many people have passed the book by and missed out because of the title.

But I'm not writing this post today to gripe about the title of the book.  In fact, I'm not even going to talk about the book at all.  In this post I mainly wanted to share about a dream which Mr. Harris had, which he shares in the book.  I know this is pretty old stuff and you've probably seen it before, but today was my first time reading it.  It brought tears to my eyes and I just feel like I really need to share it. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sharing Christ's Love: Why Should We?

I said in my last post that I would make a post about sharing Christ's love.  Well, here it is!
A picture pulled off of some random blog which I don't read
Sorry for the wait, this took a little longer than I expected.  When I first went to write this post, I completely missed the point and fell pray to that which I myself warned against: I focused on things like how to share Christ's love, when I should've been thinking about why to share Christ's love. 

There are several major reasons why I think that it is vital that we, as Christians, show love to others.